Card Rulings - Psi Blocker

Prohibition has always been one of my favorite cards in my side-deck. It's like an out to any rogue deck you have a bad match-up to. And since a month or so, Psi-Blocker (the monster version of this card) is seeing an increased use in play.

With the return of this card, ruling questions obviously rise on what you can or cannot do with cards declared by the effect of Psi-Blocker.

So without further ado, here's the Psi-Blocker list

"People also call me Cock-Blocker!"

What you cannot do with a card declared by Psi-Blocker:

The declared monster name...

  • cannot be normal summoned or set.
  • cannot be special summoned (inherently).
  • cannot be used as fusion, synchro or XYZ material.
  • cannot attack.
  • cannot manually change its battle position.
  • use its effect, if it is an effect that starts a chain (this includes mandatory effects).
  • cannot apply its continuous effect.
  • If cards like Phantom of Chaos or Elemental HERO Prisma copied the name of the declared monster name, they cannot battle/use its effect, because they became the declared monster name.

The declared Fusion, Synchro, Ritual or XYZ monster...

  • Cannot be fusion/synchro/ritual/or xyz summoned properly.
  • For the rest, the same rules apply as regular monsters.

The declared Spell or Trap card...

  • cannot be activated or apply any of its effects.
  • cannot apply any of its continuous effects (if it's already active)
  • Cannot be set manually.

What you can do with a card declared by Psi-Blocker:

The declared monster name...

  • Can be used to pay a cost (example: Trade-in, Enemy Controller, Sacred Sword of Seven Stars, etc).
  • can be added to your hand from any card location by legal card effects (example: Reinforcement of the Army, Eclipse Wyvern, etc).
  • Can be special summoned (from any location) by other card effects (example: monster reborn, Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon, Spellbook of Life, etc).
  • Can be used with Future Fusion (regular fusion doesn't work, though).
  • can be used to summon an other monster (tribute summon, special summons, etc).
  • can change its battle position by card effect (example: Book of Moon, Photon papilloperative, etc).
  • Can apply still lingering effects (example: Shock Master's already active effect).
  • can chain its effect to the activation of Psi Blocker's effect, if possible (example: Photon Strike Bounzer, Light and Darkness Dragon, Maxx "C").
  • doesn't matter much if it's Exodia the Forbidden one. The victory condition of Exodia still applies.

The declared Spell or Trap card...

  • can be used as a cost (example: Summoner Monk, Cursed Seal of the Forbidden Spell, etc).
  • Can be added to the hand by other card effects (example: Ninja Grandmaster Hanzo, Spellbook of Secrets, etc).
  • Can be set by card effect (example: Alchemic Magician, Fire Fist - Tiger King, etc.).
  • can be evaded by using other cards that copy the effect of the declared card (example: Spellbook of the Master's target).
  • can apply its still lingering effect (example: the still lingering effect of Spellbook of Power).
  • can be chained to the activation of the effect (if possible).

General things you should know:

  • Psi Blocker can affect cards that are already on the field. This is a textual difference with Prohibition. Psi-Blocker does not have an equivalent to Prohibition's last sentence.
  • With Prohibition, if you declare a card name that is already on the field, and the affected card is sent to the grave, or it's banished, it will continue to be unaffected by prohibition, until it enters another location. Example: The first effect of Eclipse Wyvern will apply if it is sent from the field to the graveyard. Its second effect (return the banished monster to the hand) CANNOT be applied if you banish Wyvern afterwards.
  • You can only declare cards that are legal card names in the TCG (so no using OCG names, fanboys). This also extends to cards that alter their original name. For example, "Harpie Lady 2" cannot be declared. You must declare "Harpie Lady", since "Harpie Lady 2" alters its name to "Harpie lady".
  • If your opponent DID intentionally set the mentioned card and is later revealed, you may call a judge (penalties will occur). But please make sure your opponent knows that he cannot set the mentioned card.
  • "End of the opponents turn" means the literal end, not just the end phase! So no activating mentioned quick-play spells!
  • The effect of Psi Blocker is Lingering. This means that even if you get rid of the card (or place it face-down), the effect still applies.


That's it for now. Until next time, V out.

Note: This list is unofficial as far as the TCG goes, but is a useful reference. As it currently stands, there are no rulings from a TCG official source regarding Prohibition or Psi-Blocker. In the event this does change, any differences will be updated, but you should use the one provided by Konami before this one.

PS: This list is taken from the Yugioh Judges facebook group with some small clarifications of my own. If you spot a mistake, please mention it.

