YCS Toronto Analysis Pt. 1 - Deck Profiles & General thoughts

What's up, youtube; this is your boy MaJu V... woops, err...

Sorry for that intro, but the deck profile intro's start to stick. In order to do a proper analysis of YCS Toronto 2013, I've been watching ALL available decklists around (thanks to Underworld6667, ProWinston and a few others for doing a great job on that).

But while doing the analysis, I've started to breach the 3-word-pages limit for my blog posts, which means I have to start splitting things up to keep it readable. It resulted in a three-parter. This three-parter will have:

  1. All the available decklists on youtube (got 30 of the 32 decks).
  2. A general analysis of the event (below).
  3. A look at what cards of the latest sets (Number Hunters & Judgment of the Light) that made a change in this event (and in what decks) (part 2).
  4. A more in-depth look at certain tech cards that were used (part 3)
  5. A more in-depth look to cards that return to the main stage (part 3)


DuelistEnd resultDeck usedDecklist
Edward Kuang1stDragon Ruler Available
Sorosh Saberian2ndMermail Available
Patrick Hoban3rdDragunity Rulers Available
Sehabi Kheiredine4thBlackwing Available
Bobby BarroneTop 8Mermail (same vid as 2nd place)
James FrazierTop 8Plant Ruler (LS variant) Available
Jordan WintersTop 8Plant Ruler (LS variant) Available
Umar HaqTop 8Dragunity Available
Frazier SmithTop 16Prophecy Available
Galo OrbeaTop 16Plant Ruler Available
Harrison PerinpanayagamTop 16Fire Fist Available
James GuerreroTop 16Mermail Available
John ValadeTop 16Dragon Ruler N.A.
Loukas PetersonTop 16Prophecy Available
Roger SimpsonTop 16Infernity Available
Thomas MakTop 16Plant Ruler Available
Bo TangTop 32Dragon Ruler Available
Christopher LeBlancTop 32Karakuri Geargia Available
Dale BellidoTop 32Dragunity Available
David WuTop 32Madolche Available
Evan WaxmanTop 32Herald of Perfection Available
Igor BijelicTop 32Fire Fist Available
Jack RanTop 32Mermail Available
James KimTop 32Dragon Rulers Available
Jeffrey ChoTop 32Dragon Ruler Available
Kareem O'BrianTop 32Prophecy Available
Leo ChanTop 32Constellar Available
Michael Chung-SalamoneTop 32Evilswarm Available
Peter MartinoTop 32Prophecy Available
Sean CoovertTop 32Evilswarm Available
Sean McCabeTop 32Constellar N.A.
Yuhang (Victor) LiTop 32Evilswarm Available

Note: From top-8 and onward, the players are listed alphabetically (first name) per rank group, not by their individual position in that top.

Note 2: If I made any typo in names, or if you have the two missing deck profiles, please let me know.

General thoughts on the event

As predicted, YCS Toronto ended up being a very diverse event; with the better players participating and many players testing out "new" techs/decks in real life. This of course resulted in a very diverse top 32.

A thing I noticed is that even though 10 toppers played Dragon Rulers, they used different variations on the deck, making even those deck profiles very interesting to see. The different variants were:

  • Dragon Ravine variant (focus on searching Dragunity tuners & dumping lots of Rulers from the hand/deck).
  • Skill Drain variant (focus on spamming high attack/defense monsters and beating the opponent by force).
  • Plant variant (with the Debris-Dandy "plant" engine).
  • Mill variant (the "plant" engine + Lyla/Ryko's & card troopers).

Decks like Fire Fist, Mermails and Prophecies did lose a few key cards in the last F&L list, but did not fail to represent themselves again. Fire Fists gained Rooster & Wolfberk; Prophecies are now using World of Prophecy (using Temperance/Book of Life); and Mermails are now using Aqua Spirit (lol, wut?) and the combo of Bahamut Shark/Abysstrite/Mechquipped Angineer (more on that combo this Friday).

Certain older decks made a come-back, like Blackwings, Infernities and Dragunity. But the main decks of last format remain the main decks of this format. Those are Dragon Rulers, Mermails, Prophecy, Evilswarm, Fire Fist and Constellar.

Certain decks were expected to make a come-back (Chain Burn, Final Countdown, D-Hero control decks, etc.) were nowhere to be seen in the top tables. That means that even though the decks regained power, they're no match for the current top decks.

This top 32 will be the template on what other YCS's will become. They will be less diverse and will focus more on the "winning" decks.

The first YCS now will be YCS San Mateo (California, US), the first weekend of October. The only change then will be the availability of the Blue-Eyes Structure Deck. So I expect to see more Hieratic decks and Prophecy/Maiden decks. Other than that, it will be about the same end result as this YCS.


Tomorrow (or Thursday), I'll take a look at the cards from Number Hunters and Judgment of the Light that were actually used (read as: useful).

Until then, V out.

