YCS Turin - Geargia Karuri wins the 125th YCS

Kinda overlooked this one (probably because I couldn't attend), but past weekend was the 125th YCS, YCS Turin (Italy).

Let's do a quick sum-up of the event:

  • 1325 attendees, which all received the Artorigus playmat.
  • 521 attendees played (some form of) Dragon Rulers, making it (obviously) the most popular deck of the moment.
  • Second most popular deck was Evilswarm, once more confirming that Europeans in general like Dark decks.
  • The standings at the end of Swiss. It's on this page.
  • Several Americans attended the 125th YCS, including the winner (Sam Pedigo) and other famous (ARG) people like Patrick Hoban. Last mentioned one won the YCS trial, gaining a free trip to the next European YCS.
  • All coverage articles can be read on The Coverage site of YCS Turin.

The top cut

The top 32 consisted of:

  • 21x Dragon Ruler (all variants)
  • 5x Evilswarm
  • 2x Geargia
  • 1x Fire Fist
  • 1x Prophecy
  • 1x Bujin

After that, it got cut further down as follows: Top 16 play-off chart.

  • An interesting side-note: I heard Michel Gruner got a game-loss due to slow play, which caused him losing the match versus Pedigo (who then ends up being the winner).
  • And the final was ... Samuel Pedigo (Geargia Karakuri) Vs Konrad Grunewald (Dragon Rulers). With Samuel becoming the winner!

    Some deck profiles

    I'll try to find some more deck profiles (let's see if Lithium uploads any). I'll post (and update) them here:

    A side-note, the YCS Sydney Playmat

    European YCS's always hold a surprise or two. This time, on Fridays, the announcement was that YCS Sydney would hand out a playmat to all attendees (to boost non-Australian players' motivation to attend). What mat could do that? A frigging Dark Magician Girl playmat! Check it out!

    Is it just me or is this slightly less censored?
    It looks amazing!

    That's it for now. V out.

