DSummon wins YCS Sydney + decklists

For those that haven't heard yet, YCS Sydney happened last weekend, with well over 750 people attending (821 as pointed out in the comments :-P ). It was the first Oceanean YCS and thus an amount of attendees to be proud of.

An obvious way to lure in people was the Dark Magician Girl playmat. And ironically, Konami didn't have enough of the lure-mats. Can't blame them though, as the highest amount of attendees at an Aussie event was 300 up until now and having to destroy hundreds of leftover DMG playmats would be such a waste. But back on case; the overseas attendees all got a mat and the locals got a sort of voucher, so that they could pick up the mats when they were reprinted.

Konami did coverage and so did DSummon (of Duelingdays blog & Yugioh Edition Singapore Facebook page). DSummmon was attending his first YCS (as an OCG player) and... he ended up winning it all (lol). And how else could the Machine Master win a YCS than with a Machine deck... Karakuri's.

Hence, all information from the tournament I'm providing (that ANYBODY is providing, safe Konami), all comes from DSummon (and his buddy Jeff probably too). Therefore, if you want the full "mass" of information he provided, check the YCS Sydney event page, Yugioh Edition Singapore (YES) and High Level Gaming (HLG) facebook groups.

Also, there's Konami's coverage blog, but due to technical problems and an undermanned blogging staff the amount of articles was a little less than usual (also published half a day after the event). Still, you can read it over here.


If you want to see pictures and whatnot, click the previous links. But since Facebook can make it look very disorganized, I'll list the decklists for you in a nice table. All credits for it go to DSummon.

NamePlace/TopDeck PlayedDecklist
Anders Koh (DSummon)1st PlaceKarakuriAvailable on YES
Christopher Welsh2nd PlaceFire FistAvailable on HLG
Jono Ritzau3rd PlaceFire FistAvailable on HLG
Adrian Cilmi4th placePropheciesAvailable on HLG and ARG
Liam FardellTop 8Geargia KarakuriN.A.
Gareth MurphyTop 8PropheciesAvailable on HLG and ARG
Hamish PooleTop 8Fire FistsAvailable on HLG
Joshua DuceTop 16PropheciesAvailable on HLG
Leonard DunneTop 16Anti-meta Fire FistAvailable on HLG
Christopher GiangTop 16Harpie LadyAvailable on HLG
Tom LabonneTop 16MermailAvailable on HLG
Ryan NelsonTop 16Fire FistsPart 1 and part 2 on HLG
Dennis NguyenTop 16Fire FistsAvailable on youtube - Team Flelf
Jan SingTop 16MermailAvailable on HLG
Timothy ChiewTop 32Fire FistAvailable on HLG
Dominic ItalianoTop 32Geargia KarakuriAvailable on youtube - Team Flyfang
Tom KraljTop 32Hunder FamilyAvailable on HLG
Nathan KoscTop 32MermailAvailable on HLG
Jimmy LamTop 32Fire FistsAvailable on HLG
James MooreTop 32InzektorAvailable on HLG
Ben NewlandTop 32Fire FistAvailable on HLG
Christopher ShortTop 32Fire FistsAvailable on HLG
Chester SwordTop 32Fire FistsAvailable on HLG

Update: Got 22/32 decklists.

More will be added if I notice them ;-) .

Meanwhile in the US... Fire Fists conquers ARG Open Nashville

On the other side of the ocean, we had another ARG Open, the first of this new format. In that tournament, Dalton Bousman won with his Fire Fist deck, with Carl Manigat in second place with Prophecies.

For the top 16 decklists, check their coverage.

Noteworthy here, is 4 people topped with yet another new variant of DRulers, Hieratic DRuler (sigh).


I knew that Australians were big Fire Bros, but the amount of topping Fire Bros topping is just ridiculous. And while I feel this is a single-sided opinion (since not all topped decks have been published online yet), I feel that the remaining decklist slots will be mostly Fire bros as well (I so hope I'm wrong, though).

On a side-note, the two missing top-8 decks are (from what I heard) a Karakuri deck and another Fire Fist deck.

First Upcoming big events

  • February 01 + 02: YCS Atlanta, GA (US)
  • February 08 + 09: ARG Circuit - Charlotte, NC (US)
  • February 22 + 23: YCS Berlin (Germany)
  • March 08 + 09: YCS Sao Polo (Brazil)
  • April 05 + 06: YCS Mexico D.F. (Mexico)
  • April 12 + 13: YCS Las Vegas, NV (US)

YCS Atlanta will be the first big event with Legacy legal; and the Cyber Dragon SD will be either played first in the ARG Charlotte, or YCS Berlin (depending on whether or not they're allowing it in its "opening weekend".

Note: I'm not updating further than April, because ARG will probably update their calendar as well and there might be another European YCS before the Nationals season starts.

That's it for now, V out.

