TCG Forbidden & Limited List is out

So I was busy preparing a post about the new OCG set when suddenly...

TCG Forbidden & Limited List is out today and goes in effect from Monday already. Saying that's fast is quite an understatement.

The April 11, 2016 Forbidden & limited list

Listed are only the changes


  • Performage Damage JugglerAlready hit on the adjusted list
  • Performage PlushfireAlready hit on the adjusted list
  • Tellarknight Ptolemaeus- Already hit on the adjusted list
  • Chicken GamePreviously Unlimited
  • Wavering EyesPreviously Unlimited


  • Luster Pendulum, the DracoslayerAlready hit on the adjusted list
  • Performapal MonkeyboardAlready hit on the adjusted list
  • Performapal Skullcrobat JokerAlready hit on the adjusted list
  • Wisdom-Eye MagicianPreviously Unlimited
  • Elder Entity NordenPreviously Unlimited
  • Thousand-Eyes RestrictPreviously Forbidden
  • Ignister Prominence, The Blasting DracoslayerPreviously Unlimited
  • Draco Face-OffPreviously Unlimited
  • Reasoning Previously Unlimited
  • Upstart GoblinPreviously Unlimited


  • Debris DragonPreviously Limited
  • Allure of DarknessPreviously Limited
  • Emergency TeleportPreviously Unlimited


  • Dark Magician of ChaosPreviously Forbidden
  • Tragoedia Previously Semi-Limited
  • Advanced Ritual ArtPreviously Semi-Limited
  • Crush Card VirusPreviously Limited

First impressions

Well, they confirmed EVERY change on the adjusted list without thinking about it if the hits were right or not.

Next to that, I see cards I kind of predicted (Ignister, Draco Face-off, Reasoning and arguably Wavering Eyes (thought it was going to be limited, but I'm just as happy with it being forbidden tbh).

Also surprised that Konami decided to take (minor) hits towards Kozmo, while officially still supporting them with new cards. This by Semi-limiting E-Teleport (hardly a hit in my eyes) and Reasoning (seen them abuse this). But for some reason I doubt they'll feel very salty about it. Might be that there's going to be another batch of support for them in the next set.

And... did Konami read my article about Monarch/Magical Explosion FTK? Because they made Chicken game forbidden instead of Life Equalizer. And as I said in that post, Monarch FTK deck is dead without Chicken Game.

Other than that, glad with the hits on Norden and Upstart Goblin; glad with the release of Thousand Eyes Restrict and DMoC. But I find it sad that Wisdom-Eye had to go as well. I admit, it's an OP searcher. But as the owner of an Odd-Eyes Magician deck I find it sad that a deck that hasn't topped (much) is being hit INSTEAD OF B.A. or MONARCHS?


That's it for now. Kind of figuring out what to do with my Odd-Eyes Magician deck now.

V out.

