Mimi's Rapid Fire Reviews for The Hellblazer #5, Batgirl #6, Black Panther #9 and more!

Hi world, my name's Mimi Schweid and here's my reviews for The Hellblazer #5Batgirl #6, Black Panther #9, Justice League VS Suicide Squad #2Spider Woman #14Spider-Man/Deadpool #12, and Wonder Woman #13!

The Hellblazer #5

Bonus Fact, I need only eight more trades and I will own all of the original Hellblazer comics including the previous Constantine run, the New 52, and this on going run. Constantine's like my Spider Family for Kat. ;)

I applaud the team for bringing Mercury back into the series. She was such an amazing child in the original Constantine run, I'm giddy as can be that she's in it more now. I love that when John offered for her to get ''feminine needs'' she said she was fine ''because I know John Constantine and anything he can do, I can do just as bloody well if not better.''

Honestly this was probably my favorite of the five issues that have come out. It had mentions to so many 

  • What I disliked most:  Odd spot for the ending to be honest.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5
  • Favorite quote:  
A carnival goldfish has a better chance at a long and happy life than anyone foolish enough to consider Constantine a friend.
**Mercury's speech to John and the banter in the Cab is also a big old tie.  

Batgirl #6

As a writer, I am a sucker for a good Epilogue. I don't believe I have ever/have yet to read an actual comic epilogue before this issue that was an actual issue, not just a two page thing at the end. This was was such an awesome end to Batgirl: Beyond Burnside!

Bonus fact, I ship Babs and HAPPINESS. BUT, that little line about Poison Ivy's ''sultry'' voice had my shipping radar going off the charts, as did the entire issue to be honest.

ANYWAYS, I'm excited for the rest of Bab's adventures, even if it's dealing with the ''son'' of the Penguin who looks like the actor who plays him in Gotham when he's blonde. This was a fun issue and a fun Batgirl run that I'm happy I managed to read over the past six months.

  • What I liked most: The art was awesome, I'm happy it was consistent. 
  • What I disliked most:  The lil tag for the next story arch has me excited and nervous. 
  • Rating: 4.5 out of 5
  • Favorite quote: 
Uh-oh, that sultry voice - that botanical jargon -

Black Panther #9

Usually the Previously In/On parts of shows tend to frustrate me. HOWEVER, since, Bonus fact, I haven't read Black Panther since issue #5, I appreciated this catch up.

One thing I always appreciate about this series is it's art style as well as it's rich culture. I did not grow up reading comics, I did not read any comics really until 2013/2014, I didn't even start reading Black Panther comics until this run started. Now I didn't mean to fall behind on it the past few months but it happened, I'm excited to catch up on issues 6 - 8 while I wait for issue 10. 

The thing that always brings me back to Black Panther is the Wakanda culture, I love that it's equal ''badass'' for both men and woman. Of course it's not a ''perfect'' world because that's not fun, it's a world filled with all of the political drama we have in our life so it's something anyone can relate to.  Over all, I'm happy I jumped back in and am curious to see how this ending will play out.
  • What I liked most: Shuri to be honest.
  • What I disliked most:  Kind of that the same story is going on since I left..
  • Rating: 3.5 out of 5
  • Favorite quote:  
Tell me a story, little one. For in the end, it is only the story that matters. 
Justice League VS Suicide Squad #2 (of 6)

Well I see I missed nothing since BONUS FACT, I didn't read issue #1. Like the Suicide Squad comic I read a while back that I never picked up on, I can say this is also a bit of a carbon copy of the movie in a way. I'm not saying it's a bad thing, I'm saying I'm happy I read this issue inside the store instead of bought it for myself.

What I found myself chuckling at most of all was how the Swiss Alp's Gang spoke about each other, it was easy name dropping like I was watching a TV show pilot but with ''Here's A Bunch Of Other DC Villains'' version. 

The ending had me laughing out loud, I just want to see how it plays out for issues three through six.

Things I liked;
  • Harley was more Pysch based, thanks Writers.
  • Diana was well, Diana, all bad-ass, protective of people and just a force to be reckoned with.
  • Batman VS Deadshot, a lil more dialogue heavy than I expected though.
  • Aqua-Man VS Killer Croc.
  • El Diablo.
  • Boomerang VS The Flash.
  • Cyborg VS Killer Frost.
  • Batman VS Deadshot. 
  • Green Lantern's VS El Diablo. 
  • What I liked most: Wonder Woman & Harley's ''fight''. 
  • What I disliked most:  Loved/Hated the Ending.
  • Rating: 3.5 out of 5
  • Favorite quote:  
Excuuuuse me! Move it or lose it! Stolen motorcycle coming through!

Spider Woman #14

Some part of my feels bad that after issue one I skipped a really long part of this Spider Woman series. The Spider-Woman crossover with Cindy, Gwen and Jessica did get me back into this series. I've made sure to keep up with it to the best of my financial ability. Now last months issue was all kinds of painful and this month brought the bigger feels with Roger's wife and daughter involved albeit briefly but involved. 

I enjoyed this issue much more than I thought I would even though Issue 13's ending was much more painful than I thought this one's was. I'm curious about how Issue 15 will play out and applaud the Spider Woman team for where this series has gone as a whole. I'm grateful for all of the friendships we get to see Jessica Drew have both with Ben and Carol and many others. 
  • What I liked most: Jessica kicking ass at the bar.
  • What I disliked most:  The ending to be honest. 
  • Rating: 4.5 out of 5
  • Favorite quote:
I'll just lean against this wall here and silently lament all of my poor life choices. 
Wonder Woman #13


I digress, this was a Wonder Woman comic told in Steve Trevor's oh so sweet P.O.V. and I loved it. Now I missed what lead to Diana's current trance state in issue 12 because, Bonus fact, I FORGOT TO READ ISSUE 12, but, I was able to read this issue without a problem. Which I guess is both a good and bad thing.

I love that this issue brought in Doctor Poison, and my favorite trope about characters leaving other characters amazingly sweet and heart breaking letters to one another because THEY DON'T WANT TO TALK DIRECTLY ABOUT THINGS. But in this case it's kind of the only option given Diana's state of mind/lack thereof at the moment. 
  • What I liked most: The Font used for Steve's letters and the Hospital.
  • What I disliked most:  This was a sad read to be honest.
  • Rating: 3.5 out of 5
  • Favorite quote:  
Love, your survivor. 
Spider-Man/Deadpool #12

I find it insane to know I've been reading Spider-Man/Deadpool for twelve whole months (give or take when I've had to catch up). I have to admit that I do love this series. I love it for it's cheesy humor and playful art, I'm always looking forward to the 4th wall breaks now and I know each issue I'll have a hard time picking my favorite quote because both Spider-Man & Deadpool get some fantastic lines.

This issue was a fun one as always. Deadpool had a Christmas party with the Avengers that he got kicked out of for his gift to Hawkeye, while he was leaving he 'ran' into Spider-Man and the two went off on there own. They ran into this months villain, shenanigans ensued that I snickered at. 

Bonus fact, I'm thrilled this was a Christmas issue.

  • What I liked most: Santa-Con going on throughout the issue, thank you Writers.
  • What I disliked most:  The villain had Thor font, I hate reading Thor font.
  • Rating: 4.5 out of 5
  • Favorite quote:  
What?! No! Who cares about a bunch of stupid Santacon Drunks. Those people are the worst. Nobody is going to miss them. 
    **As someone who worked during Santa-Con, I can validate this point. 

My Rankings For the Week;
  1. The Hellblazer #5
  2. Batgirl #6
  3. Wonder Woman #13
  4. Spider-Man/Deadpool #12
  5. Black Panther #9
  6. Spider Woman #14
  7. Justice League VS Suicide Squad #2
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Let us know in the comments what you think of this Comic Frontline article, and don't forget to follow us on Twitter for the latest Previews, Reviews, News and Interviews!
Hi world, my name's Mimi Schweid and here's my reviews for The Hellblazer #5, Batgirl #6, Black Panther #9, Justice League VS Suicide Squad #2, Spider Woman #14Spider-Man/Deadpool #12, and Wonder Woman #13!

The Hellblazer #5

Bonus Fact, I need only eight more trades and I will own all of the original Hellblazer comics including the previous Constantine run, the New 52, and this on going run. Constantine's like my Spider Family for Kat. ;)

I applaud the team for bringing Mercury back into the series. She was such an amazing child in the original Constantine run, I'm giddy as can be that she's in it more now. I love that when John offered for her to get ''feminine needs'' she said she was fine ''because I know John Constantine and anything he can do, I can do just as bloody well if not better.''

Honestly this was probably my favorite of the five issues that have come out. It had mentions to so many 

  • What I disliked most:  Odd spot for the ending to be honest.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5
  • Favorite quote:  
A carnival goldfish has a better chance at a long and happy life than anyone foolish enough to consider Constantine a friend.
**Mercury's speech to John and the banter in the Cab is also a big old tie.  

Batgirl #6

As a writer, I am a sucker for a good Epilogue. I don't believe I have ever/have yet to read an actual comic epilogue before this issue that was an actual issue, not just a two page thing at the end. This was was such an awesome end to Batgirl: Beyond Burnside!

Bonus fact, I ship Babs and HAPPINESS. BUT, that little line about Poison Ivy's ''sultry'' voice had my shipping radar going off the charts, as did the entire issue to be honest.

ANYWAYS, I'm excited for the rest of Bab's adventures, even if it's dealing with the ''son'' of the Penguin who looks like the actor who plays him in Gotham when he's blonde. This was a fun issue and a fun Batgirl run that I'm happy I managed to read over the past six months.

  • What I liked most: The art was awesome, I'm happy it was consistent. 
  • What I disliked most:  The lil tag for the next story arch has me excited and nervous. 
  • Rating: 4.5 out of 5
  • Favorite quote: 
Uh-oh, that sultry voice - that botanical jargon -

Black Panther #9

Usually the Previously In/On parts of shows tend to frustrate me. HOWEVER, since, Bonus fact, I haven't read Black Panther since issue #5, I appreciated this catch up.

One thing I always appreciate about this series is it's art style as well as it's rich culture. I did not grow up reading comics, I did not read any comics really until 2013/2014, I didn't even start reading Black Panther comics until this run started. Now I didn't mean to fall behind on it the past few months but it happened, I'm excited to catch up on issues 6 - 8 while I wait for issue 10. 

The thing that always brings me back to Black Panther is the Wakanda culture, I love that it's equal ''badass'' for both men and woman. Of course it's not a ''perfect'' world because that's not fun, it's a world filled with all of the political drama we have in our life so it's something anyone can relate to.  Over all, I'm happy I jumped back in and am curious to see how this ending will play out.
  • What I liked most: Shuri to be honest.
  • What I disliked most:  Kind of that the same story is going on since I left..
  • Rating: 3.5 out of 5
  • Favorite quote:  
Tell me a story, little one. For in the end, it is only the story that matters. 
Justice League VS Suicide Squad #2 (of 6)

Well I see I missed nothing since BONUS FACT, I didn't read issue #1. Like the Suicide Squad comic I read a while back that I never picked up on, I can say this is also a bit of a carbon copy of the movie in a way. I'm not saying it's a bad thing, I'm saying I'm happy I read this issue inside the store instead of bought it for myself.

What I found myself chuckling at most of all was how the Swiss Alp's Gang spoke about each other, it was easy name dropping like I was watching a TV show pilot but with ''Here's A Bunch Of Other DC Villains'' version. 

The ending had me laughing out loud, I just want to see how it plays out for issues three through six.

Things I liked;
  • Harley was more Pysch based, thanks Writers.
  • Diana was well, Diana, all bad-ass, protective of people and just a force to be reckoned with.
  • Batman VS Deadshot, a lil more dialogue heavy than I expected though.
  • Aqua-Man VS Killer Croc.
  • El Diablo.
  • Boomerang VS The Flash.
  • Cyborg VS Killer Frost.
  • Batman VS Deadshot. 
  • Green Lantern's VS El Diablo. 
  • What I liked most: Wonder Woman & Harley's ''fight''. 
  • What I disliked most:  Loved/Hated the Ending.
  • Rating: 3.5 out of 5
  • Favorite quote:  
Excuuuuse me! Move it or lose it! Stolen motorcycle coming through!

Spider Woman #14

Some part of my feels bad that after issue one I skipped a really long part of this Spider Woman series. The Spider-Woman crossover with Cindy, Gwen and Jessica did get me back into this series. I've made sure to keep up with it to the best of my financial ability. Now last months issue was all kinds of painful and this month brought the bigger feels with Roger's wife and daughter involved albeit briefly but involved. 

I enjoyed this issue much more than I thought I would even though Issue 13's ending was much more painful than I thought this one's was. I'm curious about how Issue 15 will play out and applaud the Spider Woman team for where this series has gone as a whole. I'm grateful for all of the friendships we get to see Jessica Drew have both with Ben and Carol and many others. 
  • What I liked most: Jessica kicking ass at the bar.
  • What I disliked most:  The ending to be honest. 
  • Rating: 4.5 out of 5
  • Favorite quote:
I'll just lean against this wall here and silently lament all of my poor life choices. 
Wonder Woman #13

I digress, this was a Wonder Woman comic told in Steve Trevor's oh so sweet P.O.V. and I loved it. Now I missed what lead to Diana's current trance state in issue 12 because, Bonus fact, I FORGOT TO READ ISSUE 12, but, I was able to read this issue without a problem. Which I guess is both a good and bad thing.

I love that this issue brought in Doctor Poison, and my favorite trope about characters leaving other characters amazingly sweet and heart breaking letters to one another because THEY DON'T WANT TO TALK DIRECTLY ABOUT THINGS. But in this case it's kind of the only option given Diana's state of mind/lack thereof at the moment. 
  • What I liked most: The Font used for Steve's letters and the Hospital.
  • What I disliked most:  This was a sad read to be honest.
  • Rating: 3.5 out of 5
  • Favorite quote:  
Love, your survivor. 
Spider-Man/Deadpool #12

I find it insane to know I've been reading Spider-Man/Deadpool for twelve whole months (give or take when I've had to catch up). I have to admit that I do love this series. I love it for it's cheesy humor and playful art, I'm always looking forward to the 4th wall breaks now and I know each issue I'll have a hard time picking my favorite quote because both Spider-Man & Deadpool get some fantastic lines.

This issue was a fun one as always. Deadpool had a Christmas party with the Avengers that he got kicked out of for his gift to Hawkeye, while he was leaving he 'ran' into Spider-Man and the two went off on there own. They ran into this months villain, shenanigans ensued that I snickered at. 

Bonus fact, I'm thrilled this was a Christmas issue.
  • What I liked most: Santa-Con going on throughout the issue, thank you Writers.
  • What I disliked most:  The villain had Thor font, I hate reading Thor font.
  • Rating: 4.5 out of 5
  • Favorite quote:  
What?! No! Who cares about a bunch of stupid Santacon Drunks. Those people are the worst. Nobody is going to miss them. 
    **As someone who worked during Santa-Con, I can validate this point. 

My Rankings For the Week;
  1. The Hellblazer #5
  2. Batgirl #6
  3. Wonder Woman #13
  4. Spider-Man/Deadpool #12
  5. Black Panther #9
  6. Spider Woman #14
  7. Justice League VS Suicide Squad #2
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Let us know in the comments what you think of this Comic Frontline article, and don't forget to follow us on Twitter for the latest Previews, Reviews, News and Interviews!

